सिद्धार्थ (Siddhārtha [Efficacious]) by Douglas Colston

Douglas Colston | August 18th, 2023 | poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

Ingenious states of mind:
ease; simplicity; lightness; and brevity.

Ubiquitous margins describing utopia?
The remote peripheries.

The target?
Innate, guileless, innocent and simple
intentions, plans and creativity.

You (and I)
most rank ‘good’ delicious …
the goal, the act, the heart.

In the beginning:
division, grades, speech, distance and time –
beautiful, flavoursome, good and happy …
naturally inclined towards the optimal unmanifest potential
in each emerging moment.

Return to that memory.

Poet Bio

Douglas Colston hails from Australia, has played in Ska bands and picked up university degrees, supported his parents during terminal illnesses, developed chronic mental and physical illnesses pursuant to sustained workplace harassment, married his love, fathered two great children, had his inheritance embezzled and among other things, he is pursuing a PhD he hopes will provide a positive contribution to the zeitgeist. In addition to appearing on Poetry Potion, his fiction, nonfiction and poetry has been published in various anthologies and magazines, including: POETiCA REViEW; Impspired; New Note Poetry; Otherwise Engaged Literary and Arts Journal; and Revue {R}évolution.

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