It is filled with love
It is built with compassion
It is fortified with affection
Adoring hearts live within it
The fragrance of memories scents it with its sweet aroma
The demon prowls in the shade
Every time waiting to be embraced
But his shadow always waits at the doorstep
Bringing the remembrance of tears
The cheerful laughter is the beat of its music
The voices are storytellers writing history on its walls
It is a shrine of bonds tied with a thread of blood
The demon’s eyes fill with envy in the defiance of its solitude
Its bravery is seduced by the happiness of promises
The blindness of its misery is shattered by the radiance of souls that paint murals of hope
Each day is a fulfillment of the premonition of eternity
The house of chaos does not stumble, it has paid its debt with love.
Nkateko Tshabalala is a self-published author of Poetic Flair, Amazon (2018).