A Poem A Day Writing Prompt 24 January 2025

Writing Prompt | January 24th, 2025 | a poem a day challenge | No Comments


“When Angels Call”

“Trumpets Of The Sky”

“Welcomed Noise”

Image by Sabine

Use the form below to submit

For more info about A Poem A Day click here

Poem Submissions

A Poem A Day

Note: if the poem is untitled, the first line of your poem will be used a title.
Not your pen or stage name. If you have provided a Pen name (pseudonym​, stage name) this name will not be published.
Has this poem been published somewhere online?(Required)
Kindly note: We no longer accept poems that have been published on other poetry and literary websites.
Where else has this poem been published?
Poems previously published in print will be considered for online publication, however, you need to own the copyright of the poem submitted.
Copy and paste your poem here. Only one poem at a time. Please paste translations and glossary below your poem.
Tell us who you are. Write a short biography about yourself in the third person.
Check one or more of these boxes(Required)
The Submit button only appears when all the required fields are filled in. Poetry Potion does not condone plagiarism. Copying and pasting the work of other poets without crediting them is unethical. Using other poets’ work and claiming it as your own is copyright infringement. Kindly note we do not accept poems submitted on behalf of someone else.
Where do you live? city & country (required – Will not published or sold).
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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