A Walk With My Father by Xihluke Mlangeni

Xihluke Mlangeni | November 9th, 2016 | a poem a day challenge, poetry | 1 Comment

Poet Bio

That night death came uninvited
It came when i least expected it
As a thief or relative
No guests were anticipated
But death doesn’t knock
If it did i should have stayed awake that night
Held his hand so tight
To feel everything that goes
He used to tell me stories just before i sleep
That night he didn’t have so much to say
What kept him so quiet?
I slept peaceful that night
Little did i know that his time was up
I wonder how death got in
i never forget to lock the door
When i woke up,without saying goodbye
He was long gone
Death stole dad’s precious soul
I wonder why he never insisted
Left me, down to earth all by myself
Just when I’d written him
A letter in my thoughts
“Dear Dad
When i grow up i will buy you a bakkie
So that you can use it to throw this poverty ”
How i loved to walk with my father
He would take me for walks just to talk
And i knew that in his heart i was there for sure
Death might have overheard my conversation with my thoughts
When the day dawned i got a call from Heaven
my Dad was working there as an Angel
But Forever he is walking beside me

Poet Bio

Xihluke Mlangeni is a poet from Burgersdorp. His work appears in the Poetry Potion 10

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