After drowning by Heartistic Poet

Quaz | October 10th, 2018 | poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

After drowning
You no longer know your name
The water somehow brushes it off
Like how we brush off our callings

After drowning the tide is softer
The birds are louder
Your clan name is your identity
But your friend is still your bed

After drowning we all pretend like there wasn’t a storm
Like you’re a miracle child
We all ignore the topic of you drowning
The morning is different
Fake love showers your house
Because of fear

After drowning
You somehow become a religion
An offering is always slaughtered for you
You become Christian
And African
After drowning
We all pretend like
There was never a storm
We are all In denial

Poet Bio

Marandela Hlongo better known as Heartistic Poet is a spoken word artist, storyteller, publisher and published poet based in Polokwane

She is in love with Anything artistic
She is a former radio presenter for children radio foundation and a former voice-over artist.
She is the founder of,”For the youth by the youth ” project which promotes literature for teenagers in her community

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