Analgesia by Ashraf Booley

Ashraf Booley | March 4th, 2014 | current issue, poetry | No Comments


Pain numbs pain;
razor-blades and minora blades
bandage bleak memories
etched across blood-blotched skin –
where sagacity has gone astray.

[restrict]Quavering and quivering
and voice arrested
in the dampening silence.

The morning sun blots up
a bed of tears –


Stains remain.

The aftermath of aches and pains,
and sometimes pleasure.

Still, a bed sheet full of stains remain.

After years of washing and scrubbing –

stains remain.[/restrict]

Poet Bio

Ashraf Booley reckons he’s a writer, but is still finding his voice. He has dabbled in business analysis, but soon re-channeled his focus to writing. He considers himself quite the foodie (although some will disagree) and likes his meat well-done (no exceptions!). His writing is mostly inspired by his personal struggles, and the struggles of others.



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published in the
print quarterly number five,
The Love Potion.

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