Angelic Numbers by Thembani Mbadlanyana

Thembani Mbadlanyana | December 8th, 2024 | poetry | No Comments


From my Angels
A message comes
Neatly packaged
In mystical forms,
Signs and wonders
To form,
A matrix of encoded

From my angels
A message comes
Infused with divinity
And in disbelief
I question my sanity

And yet
By persistence
And randomness
Of angelic numbers
And their coded message
I search and search
For numbers
Of the source
And the Ascended Masters
To decode this message
For me
And liberate me with truth

But alas,
My spiritual balance
Is depleted!
My vibrations and energies
Are at all-time low
And my frequency
Cannot even connect
And lend me
A please call
With my ancestors, spiritual guides
And angelic forces
And how much more
With the source?
And ascended masters?

And alas,
I’m now forced
To pray and meditate,
To cleanse and purify one’s soul,
With a bit of shadow work
Here and there
And sprinkles of holy water
Here and there
To ward off
And protect my aura
From one’s checkered past

All in anticipation,
That one will be worthy
Of being granted
With numbers of the source
And the Ascended Masters
To decode the message
Enveloped in angelic numbers

So that at the end of it all
and with the fullness of time
One is liberated with truth
and finally receive true awakening

Poet Bio

Thembani Mbadlanyana is a Cape Town-based published researcher and policy analyst

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