Nimrod says
Guns don’t kill, people do.
That’s why I wear blaze orange.
The brighter the color,
The better the target:
Now you can hate me all the more.
Come on, you know
You want to shoot something—
Why not me?
Forbidden fruit
Tastes sweetest,
Outside the gates of Eden—
Where you can relish these
Eyes staring back at you.
Go ahead, shoot me on sight,
But if you shoot me
You’ll shoot yourself, too.
My spoor leads to the spot
Where hunters lay down their arms—
Lay down their license to kill.
Lee Evans was born in Annapolis Maryland. After working for a florist, Goodwill Industries and the Maryland State Archives, he moved with his wife to Maine, where he now works for the local YMCA. He has self-published several volumes of poetry which are available from