BloomPoetry on the rise

Icebound | June 19th, 2013 | poetry seen | No Comments

BloomPoetry Movement (BPM), founded by Icebound, is an association with a strong vision of bringing together all Free State spoken-word practitioners, literature activists, writers and poets under one umbrella.

BloomPoetry - Ntate Thabo
Ntate Thabo amazes audience with a Sesotho poetry performance.

Recently, the movement collaborated with Performing Arts Centre of Free State (PACOFS) to host fortnightly poetry sessions. The first session was held on Thursday the 30th of May and proved to be successful. About 20 poets participated in the open-mic session that pleased the audience of more than 50 people. The poets included Hape Mokhele, a young female artist who came specially from Odendalserus north of the province just to offer spoken-word blessings.

Other performers who are the regulars at spoken-word sessions were there as well. They included a published author Hector Kunene, young Sesotho prophet and poet known as Ntate Thabo, The legendary Exquizite just to mention a few. All poets who regularly perform on this platform will automatically be part of BloomPoetry Movement and their works will be published in an anthology of poems meant for next year.

Another aim of the movement is to host a BloomPoetry Festival. We hereby humbly call for companies, departments and individuals with necessary resources to come to party as stakeholders in this initiative.

The next session will be held on the 27th of June in the Workshop Theatre PACOFS and the entrance fee will still be free.

BloomPoetry - Audience
The audience
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