Bra Willie: Smiling Shades by Makhanda Senzangakhona

Makhanda Senzangakhona | July 9th, 2018 | poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

Bra Willie

Now that you are gone
I’m going to learn
The meaning of you
When you lived
I thought I knew
Now you are gone
I am reminded
Of lingering missions
And hanging visions;
Our people
Your Movement and
Our country
Is older than all of us.
Thank you
For the lesson in humility.

Bra Willie
Now that you are gone
I am learning
the meaning of you
none of us is indispensable
so we were counselled.

You were no chameleon
wooed wherever without devotion
You will not be breeding horns
To maim, milk and bleed
Your own in the name of revolution

Here and now,
We attest for all witness to bear:
You were indispensable
As Bertolt Brecht taught us:
“Some (people) struggle for a day,
they are good,
Others struggle for many years.
They are better still”

You toiled until the “Bitter End”
Lasting your days in the trench
Without you, we would not
be who we are
Without you,
We would not be where we are.

Thank, You
For living the lesson
And for, “turning the struggle
into a common experience
and justice into a passion “.
You are now the ancestor
We knew and we’ll know.
Barolong ba dumetse.

Poet Bio

Makhanda Senzangakhona is the nome de guerre and pen name for Paul Oupa Serekele Ramachela. The author has retained the use of both names because he does not wish to be lost to his comrades nor become an alien to his family, and relations. Previously published poems, short stories and other narratives have appeared in the following publications, amongst others, Staff Rider, Rixaka, Mayibuye, Mrabulo and Black Letter Media-Poetrypotion.
The author has served in various roles in and outside SA; until recently he was a senior public servant.

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