Break all the broken pieces into intangible matter
Drown all the stream-less rivers into the oceans
Catch all the winds that escape the hurricanes
Don’t let them whisper with our voices when the moon is still awake
Let them see us running towards the shores of the waterfalls
We still do not know why the builders of mountains wanted windows that spill in rivers
Love the pain until it unhinges its clutches on your sorrow
Do you ever wonder why peace is convulsed into deep breaths?
A smile is just a grin of a soul posing for a portrait
The eyes haunt the sun,
the hand holds the pilgrims of the gods honouring the penance of their conclave when we dream wide awake
It’s okay to ride into the ides of the ending of storylines
Pocket all the riches that get trapped in the lingering laughter
Here and now is only a spatial gift that assures us that words don’t just roll off the tongue and that time chases butterflies.
Nkateko Tshabalala is a self published author of Poetic Flair, Amazon (2018).