Call For Submissions: Poetry Potion 10 (CLOSED)

Poetry Potion | July 15th, 2016 | editorial | No Comments

What kind of a woman leaves?
What kind of a woman stays?
What kind of a woman kills?
What kind of a woman prays?

What Kind of a Woman, Lebo Mashile (Flying Above the Sky. 2008)

Submissions are open for our next print edition of Poetry Potion are open. Our theme for this edition due in August is:

This woman is…

This theme is inspired by Lebo Mashile’s powerful What Kind of A Woman which asks needling questions about how we think about womanhood and the women in our lives. This protest poem forces us to look within and examine our own notions of what a woman should do or not do, be or not be.

This edition, we’re calling for poems that are about and are for women. We want to celebrate and uplift. We don’t want to pander to or patronise. We want to provoke honest reflection and not stereotype or generalise. We want poetry we haven’t seen before.

Share with us work that does more than just “expressing yourself”.

The best poems will interpret this theme/title in an interesting, unique, left-field way. The poems published will avoid the obvious and mundane. Your poems may be about being in love, or have a political slant or even be about darkness or be inspirational. The best poems will play with form – stanza, rhyme, syntax, aesthetic, language, subject. The best poems will challenge, dazzle, move, inspire the reader.

Deadline: 3031 July 2016, 23:59 pm

The Poetry Potion quarterly is one of South Africa’s fastest growing literary journals and two of our most recent editions have been titled Infinite Wonders and dear, south africa.

infinite wondersdear, southafrica

The first print edition of Poetry Potion was launched in 2012 and has since had 9 issues, featuring original work by Thabo Jijana, Saleeha Idrees Bamjee, Sihle Ntuli and Moses Kilolo. Philip Yaa De Villiers, Vangi Gantsho, Vuyelwa Maluleke, Vivek Narayanan have been amongst the poets profiled within these pages. Don’t worry if you have never been published before. We love to champion new voices.

The new issue, Infinite Wonders is available in print and eBook and can be ordered directly from us. Excerpts will be published for free on the Poetry Potion site. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for further calls and updates.

Submission guidelines:
Before submitting, consider reading some past issues of Poetry Potion to give yourself an idea of the kind of material that has already been published.

  • We accept poetry in English and other languages
  • If submitting poetry in a language apart from English please include a faithful English translation as well
  • We can only accept a maximum of 3 poems from each author
  • We will only consider previously unpublished poems
  • Make sure that you submit your work in its final publishable draft
  • When submitting, we need your real name (if you publish under a pseudonym) and your contact details (email)
  • We will not accept poems published on behalf of another person without proof that you have permission to do this
  • We accept simultaneous submissions, but if your story is accepted elsewhere, please contact us to withdraw it.

*to submit click here*

We can’t wait to read your work!

Poetry Potion


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