palpitations signal secondary drowning
not at my best when asked to kowtow by Love
acid climbs deliberately up reticent gullet
detest myself
for having to apply make-up to another mask
can we go now can we go now CAN WE GO NOW
seeping house of dereliction
hello kitty girl spills a second glass of milk
no big deal I motion
and tell her about the centipedes I saw this morning
photographic negatives of the manger baby zig-zag across Buitengracht
mouldy fudge and over-ripe fruit sticks
(substitutes for swearing really)
i forgot I had something to give him
my knuckles beat loopholes over my parietal and forehead
i tell the husband it’s obviously high pollen in Autumn (didn’t mean to leave evidence)
sure, I’ll take an antihistamine when we get home
Can we go now can we go now CAN WE GO NOW
sure honey, one more
i am getting better
one day I’ll do better than simply tolerate this
Please don’t ask me if missed you
Bernadette Richards is from Cape Town. She is inspired by diverse forms of art and believes that creativity is one of the best forms of therapy.