editorial: 2011.06

In the beginning there was the word. If there was the word, there had to be sound for it to be heard or for it to exist.~ Lwazi Prolific

Issue 2011.06 – the sound issue

featuring poetry by Yollanda Arroyo-Pizarro, Nyakale Mokgosi, Jazz Africa, angelluv, Tosin Otitoju, Sihle Ntuli, Carol Ronaldson, Kabelo Mashishi, Kofi Baako Pe A conversation with Lwazi Prolific, the sound of Saul Williams' poetry

editorial: 2011.05

we’re living in marvelous times. when i have no words to capture my thoughts... i play with images. uZamantungwa

relevance quotables

"I’m lucky to not have a real job, to be able to express myself, be creative and be relevant." ~Gwen Stefani i asked some of my creative facebook friends to reflect on what makes their creative work relevant. as a...

editorial: The Relevance Issue

“To poison a nation, poison its stories. A demoralised nation tells demoralised stories to itself. Beware of the storytellers who are not fully conscious of the importance of their gifts, and who are irresponsible in the application of their art:...