Poet Muse: Nikki Giovanni (1943-2024)

(poet, activist, and professor) Ego Tripping I was born in the congoI walked to the fertile crescent and builtthe sphinxI designed a pyramid so tough that a starthat only glows every one hundred years fallsinto the center giving divine perfect...

POET MUSE: Breyten Breytenbach (1939-2024)

(poet, writer. activist) today I went down on your bodywhile windows were thick white eyesand hearkened the clogged cavitiesin the small darkroom of your chest,hedging an eternity over the aching voicefrom your gorgeous throat,agony and exaltation flow in one divideif...

POET MUSE: Jessica Mbangeni (1977 – 2024)

(Praise poet, cultural advocate, actress, entrepreneur, and singer) Renowned praise poet Jessica Mbangeni died in August of 2024. Jessica was a celebrated South African praise poet, cultural advocate, actress, entrepreneur, and singer. She graced world stages with Praise Poetry performances...

POET MUSE: Mzi Mahola (1949 – 2023)

Poet, Playwright, Novelist For many seasonsOur home layUnder the roof of sorrow. Now I knowThat from a dog’s withered backYou can tell that There’s hunger in a home. South African poet and novelist Mzi Mahola passed away in August 2023. Born in...

Poet Muse: Don Mattera (1935 -2022)

(poet, journalist, activist) Remember to call at my graveWhen freedom finallyWalks the landSo that I may riseTo tread familiar pathsTo see broken chainsFallen prejudiceForgotten injuryPardoned pains. And when my eyes have filled their sightDo not run away for frightIf I...