Waiting For Santa by Rishan Singh

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] I waited for Santa like any ordinary kid during Christmas, and though I had never seen him or heard from him, I still ran to hug our Christmas tree. The children played and we hugged mummy and...

The Perfect Friend by Shannen Wrass

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Today I found a friend Who knew everything I felt She knew my every weakness And the problems I have dealt. She understood my wonders And listened to my dreams, She listened to how I felt about...

My First Word Was Daddy by Xabiso Vili

[tabby title="Poem"] I tried to speak to my father today, tried to build a bridge between our tongues, but the salty waters beneath the spaces between us are already infected with the decaying words that never made it across. So...

I Have Heard Mermaids Singing by Clinton Inman

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Across wet glass we rub our noses To paint a picture that presupposes Like confused footsteps that reach Across some worn and weathered beach. Words that fix you, find you, Words that bind you, blind you, Words...

The Day-Thieves by Charl Landsberg

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] (for the LGBTQI community) they came to steal the sun away and silence all our songs and poems for only 'righteous' folk may sing by the sunlight so we sang by the light of a dying candle...