Q&A: Wazi M. Kunene

Author of Deluge in Swarga, Wazi M. Kunene is truly a special breed of artist. Her total disregard for the orthodox and ordinary makes reading her poetry or watching her live shows such a jarring pleasure. She is creative and...

Q&A: Kariuki wa Nyamu (Kenya)

 Kariuki wa Nyamu is a Kenyan poet, radio playwright, editor, translator, and educator. He holds a Bachelor of Arts (honours) in Education, English Language, and Literature from Makerere University, Uganda. Kariuki featured in Poetry Potion 10: This woman is and...

Q&A: The Book Club Society

The Book Club Society is doing serious literary activism and groundwork to develop a reading culture around the country. BCS runs numerous literacy based projects for children , prisoners and schools , using books as a point of departure and...

Q&A: Keitumetse ‘Abi’ Tlhako

  Keitumetse 'Abi' Tlhako is a young poet born and raised in Rustenburg, in the North West province of South Africa. Currently studying Diagnostic Radiography at The university of Johannesburg, Abi is also steadily carving out a name for herself...

Creating With You – how the Babishai Niwe Poetry Award nurtures African poets

Babishai Niwe Poetry Award was founded by Beverley Nambozo Nsengiyunva, in 2008 as a prize for Ugandan women poets. It started out as a prize for the Ugandan women poets but this year, submissions where open to the entire continent. Shortlisted...