Christchurch 15/03/18 by Sumaiya Vawda

Sumaiya Vawda | March 27th, 2019 | poetry | No Comments

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I saw
a livestream go up
appearing to be Fortnite
with more tactile graphics

I saw
an elderly figure
a nod of welcome-
‘Salaam brother’

Then I saw
a small boy,
his shining face resting in the arms of his father

A glass screen
protects my naiveté
from the evils of reality
He is Dead

Twitter trends,
political statements,
information mongering,
thoughts & prayers

I have seen it all
But never once heard
the transition
from a connection with God
to a round of bullets,
multiple more rounds,
an internal tussle for life,
and reaching the home of Creation
all within a mosque

A live stream capturing a blood stream
A manifesto speaking a mouth full of death
Preying on those praying

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