coming next week: Poetry Potion print quarterly number three

zamantungwa | September 7th, 2013 | editorial | No Comments

I’m very happy to announce that the third print quarterly is hitting the “streets” next week. After much “backing and forthing” in order to create a special kinda edition, I’m relieved to have seen the printer proofs and signed them off.

So what’s this edition about since there was no call for submission?

After putting out the last edition, Every Generation, I realised that this edition would come out between Woman’s Month and Heritage month (August and September, for you non-South Africans). And I already had a perfect theme sitting in the editorial calendar that I wanted to explore. 9 August is woman’s Day in South Africa, the day when we celebrate the women of 1956 who marched to the Union Building protesting apartheid pass book laws. 24 September, originally Shaka’s Day, is not Heritage Day. A day for everyone to celebrate their heritage through various means.

So this theme that I had in mind, inspired by Audre Lorde (1932-1992) – writer, mother, lesbian, Caribbean-American activist, seemed like the perfect fit. Audre wrote essays, poems. She was a theorist and feminist thinker who wrote a lot about the experience intersectionality, being black, women and queer. I’m particularly inspired by her essay – Poetry is not a Luxury. It is one of those pieces of writings that has you nodding, agreeing and thinking “that’s what I thought” almost word for word.

This editions theme is:

Poetry is not a Luxury

This edition features only women. From the poet profile to the poetry seen. I included women and poetry that I felt related well with Audre’s sentiments in her essay. I also wanted to put in print some of the women, I’ve published only online previously on Poetry Potion. So in a way, by invoking Audre, I’ve picked some poems that I think travel through this theme – Poetry is not a Luxury. I interviewed Tereska Muishond – a poet who’s work I have great respect for and who’s been working really hard and is finally earning the nods that she deserves.

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Tereska for winning at the VryFees festival! You’re a true inspiration and a griot I love!

So that said, here is the cover of the third print quarterly! I decided to take the minimalist approach to the design – I hope it works, I kinda like it.

Poetry Potion 2013.03 Poetry Is Not a Luxury

The online edition will be live midweek, print copies will be available from our stockists at R50 – you can pre-order your copy from us at R40*. This pre-order special will end 5pm, Tuesday 10 September 2013

Shout out to our awesome printers Minuteman Press in Cresta!

don’t forget to submit for our last print edition of the year, due our in November – The Language Issue

*delivery outside Johannesburg will be charge separately

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