COMU LA MORUXA by Xe M. Sánchez

Xe M. Sánchez | November 23rd, 2018 | poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

Dellos talanten
qu’esti mundiu alloriáu
yá escosó
la vieya fonte sagrada
de la poesía,
la mesma fonte
na que chumaren
Homeru y Píndaru
y los bardos celtes,
pero les metáfores
entá guñen perdayuri,
comu la moruxa.
La teunoloxía
fexo’l mundiu más chicu,
sicasí, les llendes
cada vegada son más altes.


Some think
that this crazy world
has already exhausted
the ancient sacred fountain
of poetry,
the same fountain
in which have drunk
a long time ago
Homer and Pindaro
and the Celtic bards,
but metaphors
sprout everywhere,
like the bad weed.
has made the world
even so, the boundaries
are increasingly

Poet Bio

Xe M. Sánchez was born in 1970 in Grau (Asturies, Spain). He received his
Ph.D degree in History from the University of Oviedo in 2016, he is an
anthropologist, and he also studied Tourism and three masters (History /
Protocol / Philately and Numismatic). He has published in Asturian language
Escorzobeyos (2002), Les fueyes tresmanaes d’Enol Xivares (2003),
Toponimia de la parroquia de Sobrefoz. Ponga (2006), Llue, esi mundu
paralelu (2007), Les Erbíes del Diañu (E-book: 2013, Paperback: 2015),
Cróniques de la Gandaya (E-book, 2013), El Cuadernu Prietu (2015), and
several publications in journals and reviews in Asturies, USA, Portugal,
France, Sweden, Scotland, Australia, South Africa, India, Italy, England and

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