Dr Capitalism by Zwelethemba Twalo

Zwesh fi Kush | October 1st, 2007 | poetry | No Comments

I am dr capitalism
The godfather of isms and schisms
I stand for individualism
monetarism and westernism
Yesterday when I was
in a state of primitivism
I was then called feudalism
no, not thy communalism
I robbed Africa with violence, slavery
fraudulence and colonialism
I rule with the church, market, state
nepotism, commercialism and imperialism

I am dr capitalism
the godfather of isms and schisms
I fight aetheism and paganism
with my God-complexism
Iím God
I make guns to kill internationalism
I come with war macarthyism
to wipe out communism
I contest anything
and detest everything about socialism
I discourage all from activism
bolshevism and radicalism

I am dr capitalism
the godfather of isms and schisms
I don’t mind stalinism
because that’s still europeanism
Iíve no sympathy at all
for africanism or pan-africanism
I divide with partisanism
sectarianism and tribalism
I undermine unity with cabalism
elitism and factionalism
I stifle oneness with homophobia
xenophobia and racism

I am dr capitalism
the godfather of isms and schisms
I lynch thy ubuntu/botho
or humanism with americanism
To me, blacks stand accused
of barbarism, cannibalism and heathenism
I demote so-called ‘rastafarianism’
and promote materialism
I plant democracy, white supremacy
consumerism and egoism
I breed greed, lies, alcoholism
ageism, spiritism or Satanism

I am dr capitalism
the godfather of isms and schisms
I sex so much that
I am accused of sexual hedonism
I invade anywhere
and conquer everywhere with sexism
I belittle, negate and ridicule
womanism with machoism
I denounce and renounce
demonise and refuse feminism
I hardly recognise womanís rights
due to male chauvinism

I am dr capitalism
the godfather of isms and schisms
I gave birth to Calvinism
fascism, nazism and Zionism
I dig globalisation and privatisation
no not collectivism
I build a racial and class society
without egalitarianism
I spread prejudice, injustice
militarism and neo-liberalism
I oppose afrocentrism
with force, rape and eurocentrism.

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