In his eyes
Tourmaline eyes
I read promises
of universes unexplored
Magical mystery tours
Macchu Picchu for the soul
Promising escape
Oblivion from greige
In Mythic
So I spread
Dream idylls
before him like pearls
Wrap him in
Supercalifragilistic fantasy
Deceiving myself
Believing in the
Even as he steps not lightly
on dreams of
And in his hands
Behold my world
Discoball facets
Snippets from promised galaxies
His fingers clench
He speaks
Poor world
Poor friable fragile world
Vaporised in a pall
Dragon Breath
Ayesha Kajee is a storyteller, poet and rights activist whose research on governance and democracy in many parts of sub-saharan Africa has been published in various media. Her research interests include post-conflict transformation, socio-economic renewal and gender and environmental rights. She writes because she can’t not.