“The poet is not bigger than the poem.”
~ Quaz
we write to make sense of life. to create meaning and understanding. we write to cope with our hurts and pains and traumas. we write to record our lives for us to remember, for our futures to learn and acknowledge.
this is why we write.
we write when we can’t speak. when words fail us, we go searching for them with a pen. we tell stories as a way to tell the world what we think, feel and want.
we write when a word falls into our ears and sparks a torrent of words. we mark the page, stain it with ink, painting our lives in vivid expressions. letting our souls shame the collective psyche of our readers.
this is why we write.
we write so that we may be read. sometimes, we write for Oprah’s book list, for the New York times bestseller list, for the Noma or the Pulitzer. sometimes, we write for a film adaption to outshine Spud and Harry Potter. when we write we create as many films as there are readers. mostly we write to be free. for in our expression, our freedom is realised. we write to intrigue, to delight, to surprise, to inspire.
we escape in our writing. discover the unimaginable. invoke new belief and give to the bereft. we learn about our hidden selves. we learn that we are as diverse as we are one.
we write for you to dream.
we dream so we can write.
we write so we may live. forever.