Feast by Carol Ronaldson

Carol Ronaldson | June 10th, 2011 | a poem a day challenge | No Comments

On this unfriendly
rain stained winter day,
my heart is curled up
in my stomach memories
as my lady loved ones
lay out a feast
for my heart.

Granny is summer,
peeling Paw-Paw
while hot Mulberry jam
spits on the stove,

Mama sitting on the grass
legs straight out,
sorting sugar beans,
and samp
singing to the sun,
clicking Xhosa songs,

Mum juggling pots
comfort, advice
homework and hugs,
hooks out hot boiled potato
just as I like
before it has the life
mashed out of it,

My salsa sister dancing
from counter to
steaming counter
pinch of this,
dash of that,
stirring love into all she does,
then serves it
on a side plate of laughter.

My heart is curled up
in my stomach memories
as my lady loved ones
lay out a feast
for my heart.

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