Featured Poem: Blame it on the rats by Xabiso Vili

Xabiso Vili | August 8th, 2017 | a poem a day challenge, featured poem, poetry | 2 Comments


Part 2

My mother blames it on the rats,

men with arms as long as tails

that know how to steal the teeth

from your mouth,

the pure from your youth,

the gold from your labia,

leave another heart

in your stomach.


Rats with the audacity not to die

when swallowing your poison tongue,


I watched my mother

take a life with a sheet,

covered the scurrying

and beat it

against the kitchen tiles

until all that was left was blood and teeth.


I have this in common

with my father,

we are still trying to find our cavities.


Published with permission: © Xabiso Vili
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