(For President Barack Obama)
The universe heaves under the yoke
Prejudice projected like a lazerbeam
Red hills of Marrakech
Red hills of Georgia worship
Your rock star presence, omnipotent
Precise sound bites, mercurial, omniscient
The world delights absolutely
At your crowning glory
All the way to your sunshine state
Your cause just, promising bountiful harvest
Sweating bullets
Wheeling and dealing with devils
Angles, shamans & sinister forces
You don’t kow-tow as the invisible man, very well
Mc Cain’s dream morphs into nightmare
You steal the spotlight, all the fanfare
He wobbles on arthritic legs for dear life
Salvaged by sinfully wealthy life
Seduction by master: bar none
Constellations of stars and gods anoint you
Success smells sweeter than
A French fragrance factory
Cheerleaders in ghettoes & leafy suburbs
Dance to your digitized revolution
Radiating inner peace & calm
In tumultuous timer, you are a balm
Acolytes salivate, whiff of your golden stardust
Your tremulous virus infects, inspires
Soul-stirring oratory’s your hustle
Bohemian mothers rears a king for his castle
Soulful, tantalizing voice that stops the traffic
No need to rumble like thunder
Ali and you float like butterfly
Immune to the calamity of a bad afro day
Statue of freedom sings Negro spirituals
Mandela’s bridge’s an omen for threadbare, rocky road
Spirals from Newtown to New York
Fortuitously via Rwanda and Ramallah
Scalffolding for impossible dreams
Divine freshman from Harvard
Brainy, beautiful Michelle presciently
Trains, tames the tiger
Rub her nose gently against yours
Your loins dance, her style, stardust
Rubs stealthily, on the quiet
You light up, electricity the universe
Caught up in the rapture of your magnificence
Black heavy clouds gather ominously
Kabul, Kinshasa, Baghdad, Tel aviv, Gaza, Darfur
Lincoln, Macolm, Martin, Stokely,Elridge,
Rose Park, Angela Davis, Gwen Brooks
Kathleen Battle, Jessye Norman
Sonia Sanchez, Maya Angelou, Bruce Springsteen
Sings from one sizzling songsheet
Negro spirituals, Gershwin, Cole porter
Burt Bucharach, blend into electric orchestra
Godsend, a man of the moment, a man of the hour
Rhythms in black jazzed up, on a jagged edge
Long classy pianistic fingers like Duke Ellington
When sparrow sing they sound like you
Stupendous music heals, flows like the Mississippi
America’s a giant kite without a string
The world’s a frozen lake, defrosted by the energy u bring
Obama! Obama! stay the course, the world’s broken
When u fall; rise up for the people have spoken