We are kings and queens with broken dreams
and loosened seams it seems we are lost
Loosing the human race at a blazing pace
unable to find our way out of this maze
Amazed to find that we are walikng in ignorance of our own God given
Fallen stars with bear footed cracked feet
and hearts that bleed
we plant a seed that is driven by greed
creating a need to exist holding on just so long as the days roll-on
cause see some die
and we cry
and dare not ask the question why
Pouring out sweats of pain we create a stain and a drain in the universe
with our silent reverse of shame
drunken puppets who are easy targets
for we verbalise, diaries, materialise our pain by giving birth to it
cutting the umbilical cord and
Watching our tears fall like rivers from the skies
Overshadowing our cries of unrooted ties
Yet we are kings and queens whose vocal and thoughts
are drowned in songs of misery
putting a blame on a history
forgetting that we are writer of rhymes
ancient tellers of times
beat makers and creators
yet we are so stressed and oppressed
that we fail to flip the page
let go of the rage
set the stage ablaze
life in conscious of our roots
and know who I, YOU, WE, and THEY know who we BE