Hearts racing,
Beats fast pacing,
Pacing its way through our entire being,
This will be the first time that we’ll be seeing,
Seeing each other face to face.
A memory I hope I never have to erase…
Nerves taking over,
I swear we were taking it slower.
Maybe that’s why time stood still.
As I made my way to him, and he to me.
Taking deep breaths, I just have to chill.
Like sands through the hour glass,
So are the days of our lives.
Like some test that you have to pass,
So was the very hour of our lives.
Like the new kids in class,
S were the seconds of this very moment.
We momentarily paused before letting out a swift,
He reached out to me and embraced me like I was clay,
And he my Harry Potter.
Moulding me into a divine masterpiece
One that became his greatest work of all time.
Couldn’t help but smile as he and I let go,
Mona Lisa.
Him standing majestically tall like the Eiffel Tower,
And I holding my light of innocence like the Statue of Liberty,
Victoria Falls and love caught us by surprise.
Our first impressions were a global congress.
Time slipped by but we embraced our roles like we were in some play,
I just wanted him to stay.
Passing from one topic to the next like runners in relay.
Simpler way of putting it,
We, were like ANC
Affectionate, Neutral & Compassionate.
He DA; drastically amplified our need to be close to each other.
It was like EFF: Everything Felt Fantastic.
We couldn’t help but COPE,
Cope with the reality that fairytales,
Weren’t just in movies.
This time, the Oscar would go to us,
But before I get ahead of myself,
I ease up into the moment.
And remember that this is our first formally, casual meeting.
Slowly reached out to caress my face,
Face that glittered from more reasons than one,
But it’s this very moment,
I pray I never have to erase.
This wasn’t something I had to chase.
It was God just saying,
He meant it when He said that He would personally hand deliver my Adam,
And like Eve,
I just stood there as the cool breeze of the night exposed my heart to his,
I pray I never have to erase,
Our first impressions!
She is a Community Journalist by profession and has been writing for some time. An individual who gave up her placement in a Medical Sciences course so that she could pursue her dream in writing and producing timely African Tales through poetry and short stories