i sing about your struggle Mama
your tears and your fears
rests heavy on my shoulders now –
will they be ready Mama?
to be reminded of you
to be reminded of your sacrifices
will they ever be ready to own up to their faults?
Will they remember
the harassment you endured,
the pain of being separated from your loved ones
in demonstration of your love for this nation-
where do their loyalties lie Mama?
do they remember their promises to the poor voters?
i sing about your struggle Mama
i carry your lifetime of tears in my eyes
my soul has become a home for your large heart,
i carry your hope in my sharp mind
And your thoughts will forever burst on my lips like a volcano
for I shall never be quieted Mama
by Mambas who threaten the angry voters with censorship
you have taught me well Mama
and your spirit has made room in my spirit
and your vision has found a home in my mind –
i shall sing about your struggle Mama
until their conscience burst into million pieces of shame
for i know this will benefit the poor you loved
The poor you served until the last day of your breath –
Makinzo is a poet residing in Mangaung, but who was born on a farm in Reddesburg called Jonasfontein. He lives with his wife, Bongiwe, their daughter Kgomotso and their dog by the name Ngugi, his firstborn daughter Reitumetse, lives with her mother in Bloemfontein. Makinzo has published an anthology of poetry in 2014 under the Title “An African Child.