Forgive me by Kwazi Rangwaga

Kwazi Rangwaga | July 12th, 2020 | poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

I saw myself run into the corn field.
Cheeks burnt from tears that wouldn’t even
For a stranger yield.
Bruised feet from the mile I had walked
Swollen lips, i had no idea how much I had screamed and talked.
Screamed and talked, now I feel weak and used.
Angry and confused, i fell into the ground knees first and something in my soul cracked.
I let out a scream…
That you couldn’t love me is not my fault but that I allowed the insults felt like a dream.
Must have been hours that passed because
Suddenly, the soil had cooled.
I admit, I have been schooled.
Stand up, i heard me say.
Drag yourself to hope and put this shame at bay.
That you were deceived is not your fault
Let not this pain your soul to haunt.
Dear me, you have to forgive me.

Poet Bio

Kwazi is a 32 year old mother of three living in Rustenburg. She is a brand consultant, a minister of the Word and a biblical counselor.

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