Free by Beerable

Beerable | October 2nd, 2019 | poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

Free! by BAR

A smell of peach-scented moisture filled the air,

They walked, before us to his eyes’ mischievous glitter

“Hey! You’re Style! Fucking Style, man!

What will the boys say?

When you let them go like that,

Wordless, Breathless,

Speechless, Out of sight”

They disappeared into a Chinese Restaurant

“Oh well, they’re gone now!

Let’s go get some Sushi man!”

Each of us began the slow, reluctant

Trudging to the Chinese Place

Hooked, they’re hooked, man!

Not like fish, but like new friends.

The essence of The Game…

When strangers suddenly

Don’t want to let you leave,

We push it

We’re sarging tonight!

To see what’s possible,

Both sexual, social and romantic

Our lives are this way, now!

Once we were free from consequence

Free from drama,

Free from love,

Free from women,

but we weren’t free from Ourselves…

Poet Bio

poet, writer from Mthatha eastern cape

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