Growing perfection by Indigolunarh

Indigolunarh | August 3rd, 2012 | poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

He is my perfection personified
not only perfect in the flesh but the spirit as well
he is the glistening light at the start of my awakening
a light so bright i cant help but shine with it too
purify myself for it, wash away all my demons in pursuit of it
grow with it and have it growing within me
Sweet thing, one day appeared to me like the Son
rising in the East
like a flower blooming overnight
At first I thought he was just one of Gods creations so i didn’t notice
Until his power became so magnetic that
he started growing in my heart a seed most divine
Its force so compelling I couldn’t ignore it, so i dumped my heart in his hands
Sweet thing gracious beast, flower that bloomed over night, Sweet taboo
I’m told by God is the ‘HE’ i asked for many moons ago
So perfect he appeared to me while i was trying to make myself perfect
He is restoring my faith and cheering for the better me I’m creating
Everyday he becomes my daily bread
We continue growing like a cactus in the desert
I pray for each day to bring us more gifts
That we continue being gifts to each other
Growing our seed of Love

Poet Bio

Indigolunarh is a recovering undercover overlover, recovering from a love a cant get over, a film graduate, aspiring actress, poet, story teller, a believer of God, Lover of all things musical,a hippy and a bundle of joy. 🙂

poetrypotion.2012.04Available ini print from Book Lover’s Market, The Book Lounge (Cape Town), Adams (Durban) and our sales man in Durban Menzi Maseko

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