Sitting high, up on the wall,
Darkness below to break the fall.
Silence engulfing, consuming the fear,
Knowing that nobody is anywhere near.
Tears falling, angry, hot, red.
She lies all curled up on her bed.
Her screams muffled by the pillows.
Life dealt her another set of blows.
Spreading the wings, falling so slow,
Never quite knowing where to go.
Silence fading, as darkness grows strong,
The screams carry on for much too long.
Her fists pummel the wall, the bed,
The voices keep screeching in her head,
Her anger welled up, cold to the touch,
When will they see enough is too much?
Silence breaks through the dark cloud,
Enwrapping over like a shroud.
Peace falls quiet, pure and whole.
No more torturing a broken soul.
Her anger fades, ebbs and flows,
Where it goes nobody knows.
Silence now complete and whole,
Settles in her tattered soul.