Home by TubbofLove

TubbofLove | May 24th, 2020 | poetry | 1 Comment

Poet Bio

The place that affords us space to be,
over and over,
wherever it may be
even if we change.

Where our comforts are cushioned
and our habits treated to the same comfort,
as we give flight to our heart’s high,
sight to our mind’s displays,
show more than face
at our soul’s showcases,
lock eyes with ourselves,
over many nights and days
in its stay,
each in our own, in our own way.

Poet Bio

One who so does not get the point of life but lives it up anyway.

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1 thought on “Home by TubbofLove”

  1. “lock eyes with ourselves, over many nights and days
    in its stay, each in our own, in our own way.”🔥

    Goodness.💚 Beautiful.

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