I Would Have Loved You by Elsa

Elsa Moitsemang | November 24th, 2016 | a poem a day challenge, poetry | 1 Comment

Poet Bio

You peeled me
Layer after layer
Until you reached the core
And I was naked before you
Had nothing and nowhere to hide
With your fingers you lined the dots
That were supposed to lead the road to our Love
But you ran out of ink
I was supposed to meet you halfway
I see how hard you try
I notice the wrinkles
It breaks my heart to know that I am the cause of your ageing
You loved me with my flaws and incompleteness
You gave and gave until there was nothing
Loving me sucked life out of you
I know that even if I was to be the cause of your death
You will still find a way to love me
You still have your smile
But that too is fading with each day
Deep down you knew that I was just a shell
Very shallow and dark inside
It was written all over my face
That day when we danced under the moonlight
I looked at you through eyes of pain
You saw it but your desire was too strong
Desire becomes surrender
And surrender becomes power
Soon I enslaved all of you
I would help you trace the path back to before I asked you to dance
I remember how you loved to dance and how your smile radiated
How you brightened my dark world
Your ability to love proves that there is a God
I wanted to tell you
But your desire was to love
You gave and gave
But I did not know how to give
Or I simply had nothing to give
I tried to love
Guess I did not try hard
I did not give it my all
My pain was too unbearable
I had a past
And I was not ready to let it go
Allow me to say that we met at a hopeless time
If this was a different time
I would have loved you too

Poet Bio

Elsa Moitsemang is very passionate about writing and telling stories through word. Life has more meaning to her through words.

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