If you don’t see my call after a while
If I fail to reply to your text and let it pile
Know that I’m holding on for my dear life
Flow with the storm howling slicing like a knife
If you see me waving at you in your dream
If I say words that echo like a meme
Be rest assured I’m carrying my cross
Free of anything but what I hold across
Through the whispering of the night
Turn to whimpering of the might
Though the words are lost to the breeze
Tune to melody of the wind that freeze
Ehinomen Marie is a writer and an IP Law Consultant. She combines her legal background with her creative personality. Her inquisitive and nonconformist perceptions of everyday life defines her creativity. Her writing explores a variety of forms including prose, poetry, flash fiction and academic articles. Her work has been exhibited at the Nottingham Poetry Festival. She has also been published on wesaidgotravel.com. She sometimes blogs on ladymcmelo.wordpress.com