An Absent Thought by Teekay

Teekay | October 1st, 2018 | poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

You never really know what you have
Until the subconscious awakens at dawn
To clarify your blurred vision
And bring hope to your despair

Never acquire refuge in limbo
For squandered, is life neglected
As moments are envisaged before enacted
No man sees by far without vision

Time shall breathe life into you
As shall thoughts predict the inevitable perish
Thus, let the present alleviate future fears
To birth a smile, in the midst of war

Never demean what you don’t conceive
For damned are the close-minded,
You should wonder as it tick-tocks mutely
From which moment shall you depart

Poet Bio

Tsholane “Teekay” kobeqo, born in Free State, Qwa Qwa, is a poet, creative writer and junior technician. He fell in love with poetry during the year 2008, and has since then been perfecting his writting skills. He has hopes and aspirations to publish a renowned poetry book containing all of his best poetic pieces from over the years.

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