E.T.H AINA | June 23rd, 2020 | poetry | 1 Comment

Poet Bio

The other day at Burj Khalifa
he called me broTHER
I knew it.
He is an African.
And we got on famously
We talked about our countries
And he was enraged
When he said,
In my country,
Justice is often delayed
but it is not denied.

I smiled wryly because
In my country,
Justice is for sale
In my country,
Do not accuse a rich man
If you do,
Then, it’s at your detriment.

In my country,
Keep your lips sealed
When a celebrity wrongs you
If you do,
With the right price,
Our supposed friends in black uniforms
will carry out your abduction.

In my country,
Even in the court of law
Justice is first delayed
Then sold and denied.

Where is your country? My friend asked
I cannot say it, my friend.
If I do,
Inebriated and mentally disturbed illiterates wielding AK47
may gun me down on my arrival at home.

My friend said,
Don’t tell me your country’s name.
Be safe.
I smiled and he hissed.

Poet Bio

E.T.H is a writer, teacher and creative writing coach. He is a well polished wordsmith consistently rewarded for success in planning and operational improvements.

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1 thought on “IN MY COUNTRY by E.T.H AINA”

  1. It’s a nice piece and it depicts the vivid picture of country in the Western part of Africa, I hope I’ve not mention the name tho.
    Keep it up man

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