I am the fire breathing thought
that spurts like an absurd ripple
in the random lake of consciousness.
Where nerves meet and blink
in the compartment of a selfish train
skipping their meal of twenty hugs.
Silent withdrawal of timeless eyes
into the lost darkness of the light
sparkling a battle of daily chores.
The thoughts float in a zig-zag fashion
as tiny dust particles in the sunbeam.
Do the sun rays know their dead stories?
I know days will depart by every day
and I will search for the stations lost
in those dust bubbles on a blurry day.
Tracing the signs of the mind bursting
volcanic memories that burn like lava
in the random lake of consciousness.
Himanshu Ranjan lives in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. He is a poet and a Young India Fellow. His anthology is titled ’36 Love Stories’ in which he has composed thirty-six sonnets and a sestina. His poems have appeared in ‘Eunoia Review’, ‘Poetry Potion’, and Indrdhanush’. He loves teaching chemistry.