L’ Alderique Solitariu / Solitary Dialogue by Xe M. Sánchez

Xe M. Sánchez | June 26th, 2019 | poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

El políticu ye fiyu
de les sos pallabres,
comu los poetes.
Sicasí, un políticu
enxamás sedrá poeta
(falo d’un braeru poeta).
El poeta braeru nun nagua
por llindiar el rebañu.
El poeta braeru
nun promete futuru dalu.
El poeta braeru
ye’l so propiu enemigu.
El poeta braeru
sabe abondu que les sos pallabres
namái son l’alderique solitariu
d’una pantasma’l futuru.

English Translation

By Xe M. Sánchez

The politician is son
of his words,
like poets.
Even so, a politician
will never become a poet
(I speak about a true poet).
The true poet does not want
to tend the flock.
The true poet does not promise
any future.
The true poet
is his own enemy.
The true poet
knows well that his words
are only the solitary dialogue
of a future ghost.

Poet Bio

Xe M. Sánchez was born in 1970 in Grau (Asturies, Spain). He received his Ph. D. in History from the University of Oviedo in 2016. He is anthropologist and he also studied Tourism and three masters. He has published in Asturian seven books and several publications in journals and reviews in Asturies, USA, Portugal, France, Sweden, Scotland, Australia, South Africa, India, Italy, England, Canada, Reunion Island, China and Belgium.

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