Lest we forget by Vuyokazi S Yonke

Vuyokazi S Yonke | February 5th, 2010 | featured poem, poetry | No Comments

and our ideals desert
as dried bones in a desert

the sacrifice made
the price paid

into earth their blood seeped
up to the sky bodies heaped

the youth of seventy six
who laid freedom’s bricks

Biko, Hani, Tambo
Nalucanda uhambo
Nalufeza ugqatso

Sayifumana inkululeko ngegama
Iziqhamo zayo anazingcamla
Noko zona sezibukrakra
Ulutsha lusifa yingculaza

Ngamaxa ndizive ndizibuza
Yiyo lenkululeko na
Ubomi benu nazincama
Vukani sizwe esimnyama

Eternally you slept
Silently we wept
Let us not forget

Let the words of the poet
Be the truth serum to inject
Consciousness so we remain alert
To unchain our mental shackles yet
So we may not forget
And not regret, lest we forget

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