Like Father, Like Son by Busisiwe Khanyile

Busisiwe Khanyile | February 2nd, 2011 | poetry | No Comments

Like Father, Like Son
Like Father like son
Like, Father like son

Like the way you packed your bags and left…
A home, left, with my essential half, with a precious sentiment, a life changing moment…
Left with a precious sentiment, a life changing moment, left with soul, a fire, a relationship… there you sailed away

Like Father, Like Son
Like Father Like Son
Like, Father Like Son

Like, what am I left with?
What am I like, because apparently I’m like you?
Like the way you left with a precious sentiment, a life changing moment, left with a soul, a blaze, a relationship… there you sailed away

Like Father, Like Son
You left so I’m the man of the house, the so called “father”
I’m the precious sentiment, the life changing moment, the soul, the combustion, and the relationship, what you were supposed to be…
Left with a beautiful trio, like mother, like daughter
Not being brought up by a father
But being one

Like Father, Like Son
Like, Father Like Son

Apparently I’m like you but who are you?
Left… but maybe not right
I for-give you my love

Like Father, Like Son
Like, Father Like Son
Like Father Like… maybe not like you

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