Mocking Beast by Kabelo Mofokeng

Kabelo Mofokeng | July 1st, 2007 | poetry | No Comments

The earth opened up
Bodies were swallowed up
Machine guns rattled,
The purple sky
Turned red with rage
And poured fire upon the earth
Children of the soil
Ran for cover
Like ants to a colony.

The day was June 16
When the 7 headed beast mocked students.
I grabbed its horns
And twisted its neck
Whilst the beast bled
Mothers cried
For their loved ones
Buried under cumulus clouds
Of a black rainbow nation
Fading with in the mist of broken promises.

From then till now
Sunrays failed to shine
Upon the face of Azania.
It was the apocalypse
On repentance day
The gods spoke in Rajahfarian tongues and said:

“Death lives within us”

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