Mother, you are by Thabang Ngoma

Thabang Ngoma | June 19th, 2014 | a poem a day challenge | No Comments

Poet Bio

You are in essence and in spirit maternal
A soul full of love unconditional and eternal
In growing through the many stages and phases
You guided me to discard my many vices

You are my reminder of the strength of womanhood
Courage to face the world and wisdom to fear God
When I am lost your prayers pave the right path
Through my sufferings you preach to me the truth

You are the daughter who blossomed to becoming
The woman who is the mother to my being
You are more than a lady, you are a Goddess
With supernatural strength to move mountains

You are giving and nurturing with nothing to gain
Through wars and misery your tears sooth the pain
My immaturity hated your firm hand and strict rules
Now in maturity I embrace and enforce these principles

You are my mentor, instilled in me infinite self believe
Groomed in me the virtues of motherhood and abundant love
Now I walk tall with pride in my bosom
Thank you for the love always mom

Poet Bio

Aspiring writer – enjoys reading and writing poetry


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