Music by Thembani Mbadlanyana

Thembani Mbadlanyana | August 4th, 2021 | poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

From this music,
musings run wild.
With otium granted,
Music pleasures find.
In vast conurbations of our land
This music connects
and lands
In migrants and vagrants’ ears
Whose souls are fed
and fragrant deeds accede
To a mend
not of government interventions
But that of a harmattan of harmonious notes
and soothing tunes
Of this music.
From this music
A loner’s hallucinations defer
Fears and Tears,
That, by this music,
are all wiped out.
Accordion and Acoustic guitar
Alto flute and Alto horn
Basset clarinet and Basset horn
Violin and Piano
All instruments
Of this music
Let them minister to me
and deliver to me
pleasures and soulful delights!
From this music,
And with this music
let me swim
to eternal peace
and rest in idyllic and utopian places
In the company of music.

Poet Bio

Thembani is currently working as a researcher at the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa. He studied both in Cape Town, South Africa and in Paris, France. As a researcher and analyst, he works at an intersection between peace, security and development- with global governance and parliamentary diplomacy as one of his other scholarly interests. He is an avid reader and loves poetry.

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