next lifetime by Azania

Azania | February 18th, 2016 | a poem a day challenge, poetry | 1 Comment

Poet Bio

She is a bar of gold with holes.
Incomplete yet valuable.
Unjust yet just.
Swollen heart that still pumps blood… toxic to her body.
She is a poisonous smile,
a corrosive laugh.
Knock on her wall-painted-doors,
untangle her tanglements.
She is a heart dripping pain,
a freedom thirsting soul.
Wreckerd beauty beneath the skies,
Mother Nature is foreign to her cries,
she tries though stays inediquate.
The word is “She will never understand”…
how now there is two of her and she is willing to share the throne till further notice.
She, cease not to amaze.
Through and through.
Mixed emotions and submissions.
Refreshments and countable communications.
1, 2, 3 words said and meant.
Jolene shall be covered for a reason.
Too tight with the universe,
to think that she could be the only one who gets this.
Constant reminders,
let me remind you,
she is a bar of gold with holes,
incomplete but valuable,
unjust yet just, completely wrecked beauty before birth.
Black woman,
black women,
untamable still.
You are love.

Poet Bio

Born on the 14th of August 1996 at eNdwedwe in KwaZulu Natal, Anelisiwe Maphumulo is a singer, songwriter, poet and model. She currently holds a position as the Secretary General of the Nowadays Poets Orgarnisation, a Durban based N.P.O which began in 2002 and has to date produced a number of people in the art sphere. Some of her notable achievements include being a part of United Artists Against Corruption Campaign and performing at the Union Buildings, Durban City Hall at the Africa Rise Annaul Concert. Her work is very much black conscious.

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1 thought on “next lifetime by Azania”

  1. It’s a beautiful art play, that’s what you just did there. I just felt I had to give 1, 2, 3 words said and meant.

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