OBE State of Mind by Chad Brevis

Chad Brevis | November 18th, 2013 | a poem a day challenge, poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

Release me
from this OBE state of mind
where learning is learning is learning
and delete,
go to trash,
empty recycle bin.

replete with lewd commentary
and fuck me for thinking
that learning is progress without proper process.

Because class after class
I sit and take notes on my BBM
and update status,
and retweet,
and reblog,
and rewind what you just said
and half wittingly write down
a half-wits perception
on what education ought to be.

I blame others
for my miseducation
when I misrepresent myself
and add insult to injury when I
get my degree and
think I am Aristotle or Sophocles.

Ranting and raving my own inadequacies,
too smart to see
that I am
and therefore I think,
and sit staring and blinking.

I said it,
therefore it must be true…
don’t believe me?
Read my degree…
PhD in illusion and mind ruled
by my own confusion.

-Chad Brevis

Poet Bio

Chad Brevis a Masters student of English Literature at The University of the Western Cape with training in Ethical theory and Linguistics. I am currently working on a Full dissertation on taboo topics in literature. A particular focus is spent on the banning of literature and arts. During my undergraduate and Honours years I worked as a tutor for the Department of Religion and theology. I currently tutor in the Department of English. I also work as a staff writer for the Cape Town based cultural hiphop magazine IAM Magazine.

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