Go Ahead!
Hate me
But don’t hate me much
That you forget
Your breakfast
We’ll keep greeting
And smiling
Though we wish
We would slit each other’s
Because we wouldn’t
We’ll keep backstabbing
Pissing and nagging
As long as we are bumping
And crossing
On same roads
Faking the smiling
We both hurting
But, should be respecting
As long as we still
Enemies sharing
Mutual friends
In our psychopathic,
Pathetic path that we
Have carved for our
Best we be
Human beings
With beautiful beginnings
And respectful barriers
As we head towards a
Bitter ending
Embedded in our brains
While we still breathing
Camagu Gongxeka, 28, is among the few published writers in Eastern Cape. He graduated from University of Fort Hare with a degree in Humanities and Social Sciences (English & Xhosa, crowned an excellent Dramatis Persona by Divine Casting Agency in Pretoria. After completing his Mental Health Studied, he published his First Novel “Chronicles of a Gangster Teacher” accompanied by an anthology of poems “Prayers from Sodom.” The author strives very hard to remain on top of his game in African literature.
He completed the course Fundamentals of Storytelling for Teachers and went as far as staging and simplifying the prescribed literature through his brainchild “TRC” where he served as the founder and the first president. His works attend to the issues of the mind and surrealism but he always keeps an open mind.