
My Heart Beat by Mapitsane Maila

Hold on, my heart beat Beat for abandoned children of Africa Genocide seems to be reality to them Defenseless and powerless Raped and tortured Hatred and fatherless among them Running for better life Power replicates struggle Struggle among the same...

A prayer for Nomthandazo by Fasaha Mshairi

[tabs tab1=”Poem” tab2=”Poet Bio” ] The voices of her ancestries sang endless ditties, Nomthandazo.. A girl with prayers in her eyes. Her soft palms met to a tempo; Giving dead babies a throb for their underdeveloped hearts Her face stared...

A Poem A Day prompt: blackout poetry

It is library week in South Africa so this week’s writing prompt involves something that is part visual poem, part found poetry. This is called blackout poetry. Find a book, a newspaper, a magazine. and using a marker, black out...

The Love Potion

let me take a sip drink just a little enough to quench this something caught in my throat just a little taste to parch this dry patch soothe this aching scratch with that nectar but there is nothing no roses...

Mbulelo Mzamane: poet, academic, author (1948 – 2014)

Mbulelo Vizikhungo Mzamane spent much of his literary career as an educator and academic having lectured in English literature since 1976. Seen by others as not a serious writer, Mzamane always considered himself a teacher first. His debut book was...