Parting Ways by Christo Crous

Christo Crous | March 8th, 2016 | a poem a day challenge, poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

As I look upon a dreary dream,
it all gets tangled by the seam.
Though parting days leave a trace,
regretful ways still bare a gaze.

It happened as it meant to,
the calling bell I cling to.
Drowning lust ever vigil.
Upon this life I console.

My open heart ever closed,
to those who seek some trove.
Abiding by this facet I loathe,
grating souls I sold.

I vow to be ever kind,
though I bare a trampled mind.

Poet Bio

Christo Crous is a 25-year-old aspiring writer, who is currently studying Linguistics at the University of South Africa.

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